
Do you remember, the testimonial you once wrote?
Your words, I remember, I can quote.
I lost that testimonial, friend, it is gone,
Just like you, from my world, it has withdrawn.

Words, that once professed,
Words, that once confessed,
Words, that through your mouth came,
Words, that through your voice, resonated,

Words, are all but lost,
Words, now engulfed,
By the shadow, that stretches,
To every corner, in creeps into my every verse.

Words might leave, and you might too,
The words lost, must be quite a few,
But my memory, every syllable holds,
They are etched there, permanent and bold.

Because even if you are gone, you are not,
I still cling to you, even if words are short,
Because as long as I can remember, nothing’s lost.
Even into crypt, if words you tossed.

8:44 p.m. 2nd January 2010.

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