
Allied, with much in common,
Best of friends they were,
It took but happy company to enliven,
But that was when they were.

There is no “is” anymore, it’s all a were,
A “were”, a “were” a “we were”
Where did it go, where did it disappear?
All the fun, and much good cheer?

Hapless it has now turned, and sad songs, I utter,
Vivid proclamations of honesty, just to make others believe,
But you know, in the bottom of my heart, I know,
There is no is, when there is only a were.

Why does it only have to be in the past?
Why do these things never last?
All I want, is a wonderful friendship,
To go back to all that we were.

I had been so exultant back then,
Flying away, like an unstrained kite,
Going with the herd, so careless,
But now, I do realize.

Aha, the mistake was humongous,
I’m really sorry, nothing can outlast,
My misery, my growing remorse,
Until you forgive me o’ course, and we can go back, to all we were.

I promise you that I’ll prove myself to be a better friend,
Than anybody has ever been,
I will do anything,
To bring that stolen happiness, back to you.

6:00 pm, 30th January, 2010.

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