
Sleepy fingers, so illogical,
Luminescent screen, once more calls,
Hesitate not, I, to write,
Poetess shall rhyme, in spite….

You know, I’m tired today, so drowsy,
Back from writing 3 exams, just so crazy,
I’ve not slept all night; I’ve tossed and turned,
Insomniac, I have become.

But hey, all that is in the past,
To whine is not the intent of this post,
This post is to show you I remember,
My remorse, every single day…..burns the ember.

Seething hot, it hasn’t been soothed,
Months have passed, nothing is still smooth,
There is only a single remedy, just one cure,
Tell me you forgive me, friend, please be sure.

I might be sleep-deprived,
Depressed, I may cry,
I may be engaged in many activities,
But know that, I’m always remembering.

I did a wrong, I know, I know!!
And the remorse burns strong, I’m constantly low,
I want to recover, I want to sleep,
One day, to rest in peace.

How can I be called human, if mistakes, I don’t accept?
How can I be called human, if I don’t’ repent?
Insatiable is desire, it’s a simple craving,
To be forgiven, I am longing.

1:20 am, 29th January, 2010.

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