
Loreley, she hath been christened,
Born of the water, of sea, of ocean,
Mythical, like enchantress was she,
And she rode waves, horsing.

She was apparent, in the sea’s every melody,
She gathered in tumult, in froth, she reveled,
In the oceanic swell, she stayed,
She was fluid, here, there and everywhere.

The world knew no power, like that played by Loreley,
In sacred springs and brooks, lingered she,
Hers was a spirit, wild and free,
But she fell in love, and life changed, for Loreley.

She was born of myth, of some ancient imagination,
Wanted was she, she ignited the cognition.
Her spirit is like mine own, fluid like the sea,
She knew no betrayal, loving was she.

Aha, but affection changed her, monster she became,
Consumed, possessive and half-insane,
The innocence was gone, demon took over,
She succumbed so soon, miscreation she became.

With regret, sorrow, her life changed shade,
And the welcoming coolness of ocean, scalding hot became,
From, ocean, her home, she did cast off,
And then, cast away, she became.

She is now crumbling, imagination doesn’t hold,
Even the mind that conjured, has spurned her,
The Rhine, left Loreley, full of hope,
And now bites the malady, she cannot cope.

11:29 pm, 5th January, 2010.

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