Cannot Move on

The pen moves, but I cannot,
I am frozen here, in deep a thought,
Replaying it all in my head,
Trying so hard to understand.

Why, is it, that you don’t remember me?
When there never was an “I”, when there only was a “we”?
Togetherness, and countless happy times,
How could you suddenly forget, moments,sublime?

Here, I’m stuck, I cannot move on,
Because in my dreams, again you come,
My memory, you continually haunt,
Unlike you, my memory, is elephantine.

No, I cannot move on, until my apology is accepted,
I cannot move on until a 100 sorries, I say,
I cannot move on, until you fully comprehend,
The regret for my actions, until you forgive me, friend.

I cannot move on, but I’ll allow my pen to move,
I cannot move on, but I’ll allow my pen to soothe,
It’s OK, if you plain forget,
But before that, don’t leave me in debt…..

9:08 pm, 2nd January, 2010.

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