
Shaded and rayless is my heart,
Because everything’s unlit in the dark,
Lost in jungle, lurid and misty,
My eyes too, have turned so misty.

It’s moonless out there, without a guide,
Cloudy, murky and no one in sight,
Oh, I wish you had been here,
Holding my hand, helping my steer clear.

I’ve been moving in circles all this while,
This journey is lost, it’s not worthwhile,
Without you here, it’s nothing,
The misery is unending.

I tried to find a way, to find my beacon,
But that was you, and now your begone,
The eagle of my wintry sky, the soaring falcon,
Without you, my path is dark, unlighted..

Tenebrous, vague, unlit,
Is this crumbling spirit,
Without support, genuine,
I am in guilt, withering.

Oh, it’s grown old, the pain,
It comes back to me every day,
I know I have lost my way,
Forever, I am astray.

But even if pain is old,
Its effect increases tenfold,
With every passing second,
Because eternity finds no end.

Come back, angel, show me the way!
Come back my seraph, my world is grey,
Fill it with colour, feed it with hope,
Help me, I’m falling, I want to hold onto your rope.

11:04 pm, 10th January, 2010.

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