
May I write you another letter?
In green ink, would that make you feel better?
May I write to you once again?
The sorry, that never came?

May I write? May that be an elixir,
I’ve tried to be quick, but I should be even quicker,
My swords of words, are now ancient,
And jaded, is the blade.

I request you to bury those other words, which hurt caused,
I have these ones, which shall make you feel much better,
Words, spoken cannot be withdrawn,
But know that there are others, which conjures, my wand.

Hang on now, and look at the stars,
In friendly company, turn benevolent,
Careless, in joyous disregard,
Will you dance with me, friend, and let it go?

Look at the world now, it’s so beautiful!
Look at experiences, so colorful,
And in teenage, a passing a fantasy,
There is so much to understand, when you are growing!

I know, I know, many things are inexact,
But you know, life is never perfect,
And if you just say that one word,
Maybe we can move on, into brighter a world.

We could be happy again, befriended,
Please come back, don’t be offended,
Mistakes, we all make, we’re human like that,
Please don’t go away, it will break my heart.

5:48 pm, 30th January, 2010.

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