Me...and You.

The moon and the sun,
The stars and the skies,
Clouds and vapor,
Green and leaves,
Growth and trees,
Determination and the sapling,
Calculator and quick thinking,
Entertainment and the TV,
Pleasure and a good book,
Smile and teeth,
Eyes and sight,
Lungs and breathing,
Duck and pond,
Paper and pen,
Thought and imagination,
Emotion and heart,
Memories and a good laugh,
First place and gold,
Corpse and grave,
Flower on hair,
Nectar and the bee,
Butterfly, on wings,
Spark and raging fire,
Water and frothing sea,
Tree and shade,
Mango and juice,
Oasis and desert,
A strong connection.
Book and page,
Story and storyteller,
Visions and dreamer,
Palette and color,
Ivory and the tusker,
White and the swan,
Fragrance and rose,
Lilly and serenity,
Sunrise and breathtaking,
Bleeding wound and bandage,
Fractured limb and pain,
Poetry and charm,
maple and autumn,
Revival and spring,
Heat and summer,
Cold and winter,
Borders to a country,
Voice to songbird,
Rain to monsoon,
Stitch, with thread,
Pearl to oyester,
Mountain to explorer,
Discovery to scientist,
Electron and atom,
Dyanmic and chemistry,
Laws and Physics,
Calenders and dates,
Music and i-pods,
Messages and mails,
Birthdays and cakes,
Monkeys and bananas,
Windy, yet pleasant.
Me…...and you.

11:34 pm, 10th january, 2010.

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