
There is nothing where there once was,
Answer is simple, it is because,
I had been the cause,
OF a disaster, the guilt now gnaws.

There is nothing where there once was,
And the complete picture became jigsaw,
I guess nobody foresaw,
Such an end, and I became an outlaw.

Empty it is now, which was once filled,
The heart that had once, thrilled,
Like a very well disguised banquet,
Among roses, thorns hiding, in between.

Empty it is now, so void,
Empty, so devoid,
The tongue that once had lied,
You now, consciously avoid.

It was filled to the brim then,
But it was me, who had dampened,
Your spirits, so you had left,
Empty became everything, it felt like a theft.

But you were no thief,
It had all occurred naturally,
When burns on the candle,
It melts into itself.

It’s like a that lone candle now, melting,
Shining so bright, but also softening,
True, it is burning,
But one day shall be gone the light, and it shall be empty.

Empty, and so inane,
Sometimes, it feels pointless,
But there is a point to so long a song,
In it hides the remorse.

Please, will you forgive me?

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