Happier Times

A thousand suns and a thousand moons,
Can come and go, but I’ll still be blue,
They may turn fluid, they may pass,
But know that I still cannot laugh.

I cannot anymore hold my smile,
Because we have seen happier times!
Happier, fun, the good old times,
When we were friends, and I never lied!

Happier times, when my eyes would spy,
After those lectures and class,
To catch your eye,
I would try….those were our happier times.

Oh, when we were on cordial terms,
When something seemed to be picking up,
When to you, I looked and grinned,
But your glance had been fleeting…those were our happier times.

Those times when I hoped for miracles,
To happen in front of my eyes,
Do you remember that day, especial,
When it had rained cats and dogs?...those were our happier times.

Yes, I had hoped, they were wishful dreams,
Colorfully built adolescent fantasies,
When my dreams, desire wedded,
Something had turned entirely different….those were the happier times.

Now, see, look how it has changed,
Look now, how unhappy life became,
It’s now all black and white,
Color hath drained, it shall collapse.

This isn’t my happiest time.

It has swept me away, like a tide,
In anguish, pure, as I drown,
It’s invaded me in every sense,
I’m hoping the happier time will come again…..

So please be kind, please revive,
Give me the nectar, help me survive,
Show me the light at the end of my tunnel,
Make me well, oh, please my angel!

I beg you……I beg you….for happier times….

5:12 pm, January 19th 2010.

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