Thank You

Ecstasy, panic and remembered promises,
Lost good-byes, and so many silent wishes,
I had reminisced, I have writhed…
Lonesome and encumbered, I had remembered…

How I never said Thank you, for being there,
For being my angel, for being so eager to share,
For the forgotten moments in the backbenches,
For the cheer, the comfort which healed all the scars.

How could I not have thanked you, for being so understanding,
For reaching across, for not being demanding,
For the stable comfort, for erasing all the pain,
For healing the cruel memories, that pricked the tormented brain?

How could I have not thanked you, for all your sympathy?
For being the one who knew, that I was deeper than the world could see?
For all the extra confidence, for the good advice,
For being just so yourself, strong and wise!

For those long talks on the phone, just to make me feel alright,
For making me feel so special, beautiful and bright,
For knowing that I was more beautiful than I had meant to be,
For showing me the magic, for helping me to see,
For being my guide, and a solid shoulder,
For showing me what really mattered….

How could I not be grateful, for someone so special?
For someone who had thought that she was forever invisible!
For someone so gentle, caring and concerned in his ways,
You have transformed me, in more than a million ways.

How could I have never thanked you, for making me feel wanted,
When I was so hopelessly lost , timid and dejected,
For holding my hand, for helping me hang on,
When the world felt dark, and I needed someone.

For telling me so many stories, for telling me I wasn’t inferior
For telling me I wasn’t wrong, the world was just cruel,
For opening my eyes, for the refreshing optimism,
For bouncing along, to my little quirks and wrongs,

So, I thought I’d let you know,
How you painted my life, in ways more everlasting than a rainbow,
So, here is a heartfelt thank you,
For everything you have ever been to me….

10:28, 17th January, 2010.

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