If it never had happened

If it never had happened, would all have been fine?
If it never had happened, would you have been mine?
My best friend, the one I could rely on,
The one, who would have stayed behind….

If it never had happened, would you have come back,
For me, when all was gone?
If it had never happened, would you have kept,
promises, Wiped my tears, when I wept?

You used to do that before, did you forget?
Cheer me up, made me feel tall when I thought I was a midget,
You used to tickle me pink, and then used to force,
A half-hearted smile, would become a whole.

If it never happened, maybe you would have continued,
It wouldn’t be like you’d return in a blue moon,
You would always hold my hand,
You would have made me a different person.

If it never had happened, you would be the shelter,
My respite, in scorching summer,
If you were there, things wouldn’t be cruel,
But that is only, if you were here.

If it never happened, we would have been together,
As best friends, always on the better,
Side of things and happy, all the time….
If, it never had happened.

But it has happened, friend, and the cause is me,
I’ve cut the chords, broken it is,
Yes, I did something wrong,
But please pretend it hasn’t happened, and forgive me…its been so long…

3:35 pm 22nd January, 2010.

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