And then

I was happy and then
I was content and then
I was silly and then
I was impudent and then…..

When did the now, become an and then?
Oh answer me, when was it, when?
Oh, from where do I begin?
When did beginning see and end?

I was stupid, and then,
I also turned so stubborn,
Aha, but it questions me time and again,
Why did the now become an and then?

Why did it have to be an “and then”
When it didn’t have to see an end?
When did unhappiness creep into my den?
Altering, and changing course?

And then again, there you are,
Begone and yet not gone,
And then again, here I am,
Show me some sympathy.

We were friends, such good ones, and then….
We exchanged so many mails, and then,
I lied behind your back and then….
The now became an and then….

12:20 am, 16th January, 2010.

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