
Do you know how much guilt, the unforgiven heart feels?
It twists, sighs, and it pleads,
Stabbing guilt, at my heels,
Hound me and scare, I squeal.

I cannot bear this incredible guilt, friend, it’s just too much!
They plague me constantly, my weak heart, they clutch,
They hand on, continually reminding,
Of what a horrendous mistake I committed, of how much sorrow, I did bring.

Unforgiven souls are forever restless,
They can’t ever sleep, they can only express,
Their sorry, their repentance,
They can only find a small way, to show you their guilt, intense.

Don’t leave this soul, unforgiven,
Be kind, just enliven,
The spirit, that is now mortified,
Help her heal, please; she is sorry, that she lied!

9:18 p.m. 2nd January, 2010.


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