Hold my Hand

Hold my hand, please do stay,
Hold my hand, please don’t go away,
Because when you’re here, all is well,
When your gone, shall sound the feared knell.

Hold my hand, friend, through every thick and thin,
Hold my hand, so that a happier tune we may sing,
Because to my life, joy you bring,
So says my old violin.

Hold my hand friend, please come back,
Hold my hand, let’s not lose track,
May you not stray, May we not derail,
May the ecstasy and comfort return, I pray!

This is all I hope for; this is my simple wish,
Uttered in verse, to the one I miss,
A different era now begins, a New Year starts,
And I’m hoping that my sorry will melt your heart.

8:23 pm, 2nd January, 2010.

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