
I was no artist, I didn’t know how to play,
I was no athlete, I wasn’t in the game,
I quit before it was time,
Before I played, goodbye I bade.

Because I was scared, see? To venture into games.
It’s better to scream from the stadium, and my voice to rise,
In support, calling so distantly,
And yet stay near, possibly.

I had no courage, and I never admitted that,
I beat around the bush, I didn’t venture,
Because I don’t know what to do, I usually stall,
I guess that’s why I’m so unforgiven.

You know, I’m sorry, how can I convince?
Maybe I should just fall to your feet,
How else can I show my remorse, and regret?
How much more pathetic can this get?

Wrongs, crimes and so many faults,
Yes, I was just so flawed!
Yes, I was a sneak, so scandalous,
I was so proud, villainy, I showed.

I know today, that I infringed,
I understand how much I breached,
I kept my toe out of line,
And with guilt, fault intertwined.

Aha, it seeps now, into every nerve,
Flowing, the conscience, invading,
I cannot skip past it, I cannot swerve,
Resigned I am, to verdict, cruel.

12:56 am, 16th January, 2010.

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