In Between

Between the raging seas and the thunderstorm,
Between the gales, and the swarm,
In between, the seas, saline,
And the dark, sinister ravine.

In between, pain and happiness,
Pain in remorse,
And happiness in remembering memories,
In between, in between, in between.

I’m here, in between,
Not knowing where to go,
I’m here, in between,
Lingering here, unseen.

Clogged is my memory, full of your thoughts,
I’m feeling so unsought,
But you know, I’m really sorry,
Please don’t be angry.

I’ve understood today, and I’m unafraid,
I put it here on paper, I confess my mistakes,
I shall try to mend your heart, even if nothing is okay,
This is all I’d like to say.

I do not know whether my efforts will pay off,
I don’t even know whether you will be listening to my words,
But all I know, is that in my heart,
I’m so sorry, even if we are a world apart.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,
And I have sung, more than a ninety three,
So please, do forgive,
Please don’t let me stay here, caught in between….

11:04 pm, 31st January, 2010.

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