
Is it over, now, I question?
Then, why is it, that you beckon?
From so far away a land,
My attention, you unconsciously demand.

Is it mere imagination, then, everything that happened?
Did it only occur in my little head, there, did it also find it’s end?
All the trust, on you, that I bestowed,
Did it disappear, friend, did it all die in one row?

Are you really gone, then, wont you return?
To you, I still hold true concern,
Because whatever happens to you, always matters,
Because the past, the enchantress never forgets.

When you sleep, my invisible eyes watch over you,
They guard you, in silence, they view.
They hope that you never grow sick,
They wish for you to stay healthy, they never want to see you weak.

That is how much the enchantress still cares,
Because the past, the enchantress never forgets.
She still waits for your return,
Please, let everything not be over, she hums.

8:34 pm, 2nd January, 2010.

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