The Thin Line

“There is only a thin line,”
Between love and hatred had come quick reply,
Aha, now speakth the sensibility,
It is easy to discern now, new is my ability.

Yes, there is only a thin line, a very steep one at that,
It’s a really thin line, almost invisible,
And when the shallow minds are murky, nothing is clear,
Thou shall skid to a halt, or skip over.

The thin line is so easy to cross,
And blame, borrowed, from others,
Shall complain, and it takes some time to feel the loss,
But loss it is, friend, when you skip across.

To break to a halt, is it so difficult?
When you spot the thin line, at the end of the road?
Why does something so erratic spurt?
Was it so great, the hurt?

It’s an easy line to cross, and then attack,
The one who wronged, and tell her she lacks,
gratefulness, empathy, and love, true,
She was a devil, I admit, but she did have a degree of virtue.

She chose not to hate, to cross the thin line,
She chose to love everybody, even if, before, she had committed crimes,
She choose to forgive the ailing hearts, she chose to heal,
But why did the thin line have to be crossed, why was the friendship sealed?

I saw the line, and didn’t skip across,
It looked like a cure to all this remorse,
But no, I choose to stay on this side,
The side where there is love, and so much life.

The side which knows no hatred, where there is purity to emotion,
Where no single heart ever stays broken,
On this side, where there is no one dies guilty,
This side of the thin line, where there is no animosity.

So I invite you today, to come to the greener side,
Where hearts are more human, than I can ever describe,
Where we know empathy, love and compassion,
So I pray to you, please, skip back over.

4:39 pm 30th January, 2010.

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