In everything

You are seen, everywhere,
Even when, you aren’t there,
You are sought, in every place,
In every nook, in every corner, I see your trace.

I see you, in everything,
Even in silence, you are talking,
I see you, in my mirror,
I see your reflection, so clear.

I see you, when I revisit,
All our favorite places, by cold bench, as I sit,
I spot you, by the willow tree,
I don’t accept that your not there, I foolishly disbelieve.

You are everything, found in everything,
You are unbidden, divine, so free,
You can fly anywhere on magic carpet,
Unlike me, in guilt, you aren't trapped.

But away from me, you chose to go,
Into unknown realm, you dissolved, and it wasn’t too long ago,
When I had held you close,
When I had thought you were mine, before I received my first blows.

But even if you are gone, you are still everything,
Just everything, everything, to me!
Your voice still chimes, it still rings,
You still belong, in everything.....

10:35 pm, 2nd January, 2010.

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