Things unsaid

There is one thing I have never told you,
One day, as it rained, I had waited for you,
In the cold, hoping you would come around,
Even if you had been just so far.

Yes, in the cold, in sweater clad,
I had waited, hoping you would suddenly emerge,
Hoping that we could have held hands,
And walked homeward, together.

There is one thing that I have never told you,
When I was travelling in the car, I had remembered you,
Sitting there in the backseat and thinking,
How special you had been.

Yes, it was a monsoon’s evening, there had been a power-cut,
And I was dressed in a simple skirt,
By a lone lamp, I had stayed,
I had seen you, in flickering flame.

I have never told you that I had dreamed,
Of you falling into a manhole, dying,
I had woken up in the middle of the night sweating,
My salty tears, in terror, wiping.

As one day, the coconuts had swayed,
I had let my dreams too, sway,
And I had dreamt of grander things,
Life felt so ethereal, so vivid.

I have never told you so many things,
Time never gave me the opportunity,
You’ve only known my crueler side,
My cruel thoughts, you spied.

But in me, is also a shy dreamer,
Who wants to tell you the things she never told you before,
In me is the loving storyteller,
Who’s masterpiece is you, you are the one she adores.

12:51 am, 11th January, 2010.

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