
HOW does it feel to be blindfolded, when you are already unseeing?
How does it feel to be neglected, when you are already grieving?
Additional bullets, when you are already bleeding?
Blindfolded, into darkness, falling.

That is exactly how it feels to me, I am writhing,
That is how sorry I am, I am not unfeeling,
That is how the remorse kills me, burning,
That is how much this is hurting.

Because I’m sorry, just so sorry for what I did,
I shouldn’t have done that, so I’m repenting my deed,
I know we can’t leave the past behind, it is so integral,
It shapes us, defining who we are.

The past haunts me, does it haunt you too?
Do you feel hurt, for what I did to you?
I know that it’s not easy to leave everything behind,
But I’m begging you for another chance, please do try!

It’s not easy to forget, to effortlessly let go,
It’s not easy not to feel anything at all,
But I’m wishing that you sincerely try,
And leave all this behind.

How can I leave it behind, when it pains so much?
You might say, and I know I’m asking too much,
But please do, somehow!
Because I just want to remove the blindfold….

My eyes hurt now, under the black veil,
They long to see their best friend; they don’t want to see in Braille,
They want to see you, to see the warmth of compassion,
Smiling back at them, when they are forgiven.

1:31 pm, 16th January 2010.

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