
Things that never last,
Are of little significance to this world,
Things buried in the past,
Are not inconsequent matters.
So, baby, Endeavour,

Enduring, human experience,
Workin’ hard to capture the essence,
I know it’s not pleasant,
All I know is how to repent,
So, baby, Endeavour.

Unforgotten, and unleashed,
Not bound, completely free,
And yet, caged, and so displeased,
It’s like a new era, a whole new creed.
So, baby, Endeavour.

One is free, the other ain’t,
One is happy, the other is tainted,
One, is living, fully, and happily,
The other, in guilt, is languishing,
So, baby, Endeavour.

I won’t say endure, because that’s not you,
It’s supposed to be me, who always knew,
That the fault was hers, and hers alone,
It’s not yours, I have sworn.
So, baby, Endeavour.

Left alone, and just so behind,
I am not confident, know no valor,
I’m not so balanced, and so stable,
I’m not a rebel, but I’m human.
So, baby, Endeavour.
10:43 pm, 17th January, 2010.

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