“Goodbye, Forever…”

“Goodbye Forever” you typed,
Into the waiting chatbox, my tears, you didn’t wipe,
Don’t go!, I continually pleaded,
But my words were unheeded.

Did you really mean, what you said?
Did those words sever the thread that held?
Were you ready, so say goodbye?
Then, why, my angel, wasn’t I?

Forever is no small a time,
And they are not easy, the goodbyes,
You knew I would take this hard,
I felt hurt, wounded, scarred.

I pleaded, so hard, with all I had,
I was so agitated; I wanted you to know I cared,
I pleaded, with everything I had got,
But you left me alone, to rot.

No, this can’t be true!
We were one, there was never a two!
I find it so hard to digest,
This cannot be, I digress!

Why did it have to be so soon?
Why couldn’t it be eventual, and smooth,
Why was I so insanely attached?
The neglect, was it right?

“Goodbye forever” you had said,
But behind those words, so much has been unsaid,
Is it so easy, for something to fall down?
Even after I said my sorry, you completely renounced…..

And now, all that remains is a derelict fortress,
Which shelters, the frightened enchantress,
And the fortress too, is tumbling, my dear.
All is not well, when you aren't to return, in forever.

12:51 am, 3rd January, 2010.

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