Don't Resent Me

I’ve seen my fair share,
Of hurt, mistakes I’ve made,
And so much guilt with me, I carry
In the end, don’t resent me.

Because I’m trying, I really am,
So hard, now.
I know I have acted crazy,
But please don’t resent me.

Life sometimes turns crappy,
Sometimes, we act so bossy,
Yes, we also bully,
But try not to resent me.

I know I have been unfair,
I know, I am aware,
Of all the hurt I caused, but I have tried to repair,
So please don’t resent me.

It is very difficult, I know, I can feel the sting you feel,
I know, behind a straight face, you conceal,
Behind that façade, is that cauldron,
In hurt, boiling.

I know, I know, I comprehend,
The full wrath of my actions,
I’ve done my round of bad deeds, I’ve been a devil,
But please….try not to resent me.

I’m human friend, I made a tremendous mistake,
And that’s why I’m trying to correct it,
One poem at a time,
For you, I have rhymed at 10:29 pm.

10:29 pm, 31st January, 2010.

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