On the 29th

29th January, it is today,
It is something special, did you forget?
29th January, it is today,
It’s a truly incredible day!

29th January, my dairy shall never forget,
For in it was written words, that spanned,
More than 20 pages, in a single day…
That day, phenomenal, life became.

It was the day…wait, why should I leak?
All my secrets, why should I speak?
Aha, is born another riddle,
For the clever thinker!

Do you remember this day, can you?
Does your memory stay sharp, can you review,
Go back to see, what so important,
It’s not just another day, the twenty-ninth!!!

Oh my gosh, a year already?
Friend, can you stay steady?
Isn’t time too quick, it’s already past-tense,
It’s come and come again, the twenty-ninth!!
It’s not your birthday, neither mine,
It’s not a holiday, the twenty-ninth,
My dairy knows, so do you,
I wish you could go back and sift through…

All the memories, and you will see,
The significance, of this momentous day,
The twenty-ninth, scribbled in 20 pages,
Shall stay immortal, to my pen.

Time might scurry, but 29th is caught,
A happy memory, the day that bought,
A little more sunshine to bright a world,
All aglow, something, unfurled.

On the 29th, of year last,
On the month of January, which is in the past?
So long ago, and yet so close,
Time has been spent, but memories, don’t repose.

On the 29th.

29th January, 2010. 1:30 am.

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