
You were different in every way,
You stood out; you were not the same,
There was something about you that gave away,
That you were different, your smile would say.

You were different, and beyond description,
Oh how can I elucidate?
I cannot make my feelings clear,
But all I know is that you were so different, from the rest.

And different turned life too, in company,
Of somebody so different, it was enchanting,
It was dark before, so depressing,
But in your company, all that was disappearing.

I had been plagued by my past, which had kept returning,
Horrible school days, when I had been crying,
For friends, when I didn’t have any,
Hope that life would ever be fair to me.

You had made a difference to me, your presence,
Had changed something, had knocked some sense,
Into me. Yes, there was something to you that was so peculiar,
Something so distinctly individual.

But yes, you shared, you told me,
Even if you didn’t, I understood your philosophy,
And it was something new to me, something pleasing,
And it changed me, gave me confidence.

Yes, you made a profound difference to my life,
Do you remember that wonderful morn of July?
When I had first seen you, and had instantly knew,
That the difference was here, to do away with my blues.

1:57 pm, 16th January, 2010.

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