The Riddling SongBird Sings...

A vigilant quill, the memories do ink,
and the quill speaks, gliding,
Saying sorry is no small a thing,
so, the riddling songbird sings. :)

A hundred songs, I shall compile,
To make a difference, the unforgiven poet shall try,
till the number is finally reached,
The song bird shall continue to screech

Provoking the poet's amateur skill,
You liberate the words, powerful,
The vision hangs, on humble a nib,
As the riddling song bird sings.

The riddling songbird is none but me,
The one who wants to be freed,
From the feeding greed,
I'm the one who is repenting the deed.

The songbird is but my voice,
My ghost, the one who is devoid,
The one, who is now so hollow,
My voice, I have now named shadow.

Shadow perches today, at the edge of imagination,
She is resilient, she is my creation,
A lonely song-bird is she,
Her riddles are messages, they are keys.

I hope that you might unlock,
I hope her riddles, you will solve,
Because the voice that sings isn’t bilingual,
A single tune, it shall warble.

The song is one, it is a sorry,
It is but a sincere apology,
Now spins, the melancholy,
A sad song, this was meant to be…

10:59 pm, 2nd January, 2010.

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