
Flawed was I, but you were flawless,
Stupid was I, but intelligent you stayed,
Depraved was, I, disorderly and grave,
Infirm was I, so complex and vague.

Aha, but flawless were you, in every activity,
Your beauty of character shined forth, such was your personality,
Benign and gentle, and just so loving,
Affectionate but not small, and so giving.

Generous, through my own eyes I had seen,
How you had such sympathy!!
You held true empathy, to every single being,
You gave, selflessly, you weren’t calculative.

Yes, I had seen you, I was so appreciative,
Of this particular trait of yours, a special quality,
It made you remarkable, you are praiseworthy,
But I guess I wasn’t worthy enough, I was unworthy.

Yes you were flawless, from your gait to smile,
I admired so many characteristics, but I had still lied,
I’m sorry I did that, you were so untarnished,
But tarnish you, did I?

Aha, I know it hurts, when you are perfect and untainted,
When such a wonderful person, I had hurt so deep,
I know how it feels, even if it wasn’t me,
Who was experiencing it, but I still know how it feels.

Because I can put you in my shoes, I know how to do that,
I know it was so wrong of me, I know it hurts,
Because you were flawless, and so you should remain,
So please be forgiving, I won’t hurt you ever, I shall refrain.

1:13 am, 16th January, 2010.

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