Is it all a dream?

Life is a game, with its heights and lows,
But it doesn’t have to be this low,
The high tide, may any time rise,
But in my world, agony is cloaked disguise.

I dream every day of happy endings,
I dream of you returning,
I dream of being forgiven,
I dream, so continually.

I dream, without respite,
I dream, even though I lied,
I dream, even logic defies existence,
I dream, expectant.

I dream, without fear,
All I know is that I want you here,
I dream, this isn’t reality,
I’m insane, I cannot differentiate.

I wish I might continue to sleep,
May deep stay the slumber so my dreams I may keep,
Because I want to dream, forever,
That’s the only way to hold you near.

Were you just, another dream?
A chimera, a vision, and illusion?
Were you just like the clinging dew,
Which disappears, with afternoon?

Were you somebody I never knew?
Were you a figment of imagination?
Was I insane, was I stupid?
To imagine that you’ll stay…my perfect angel?

Because somebody so perfect deserves the skies!!!
Not a stupid girl who always lies!
Someone so perfect, someone so skilled,
Belongs with the celestial, and not with fools, strong-willed!

Hasn’t your heart melted to my anguish,
Which is eroding my soul, slowly?
Please come back, I promise,
Never to hurt you again, the saline tears overflow….

12:19 am, 11th January, 2010.

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