It’s an apology, the ninety-third,
From the one who has erred,
I don’t want to be misheard,
So I pray you listen.

There has been a mistake,
I don’t want to be friends, just for the namesake,
It’s genuine, my remorse,
And I know, my sorry is kind of coarse.

I’ve tried my best to make it really big,
In the process I have gathered
Many wonderful followers,
And they have been aiding.

I’ve tried so hard, to build,
The best sorry there is,
For my best friend, I’ll do anything,
A hundred more songs, if you desire, I’ll sing.

I called for the songbird, just for you,
So on my words, you may chew,
And finally come to know,
That I didn’t intend to be so shallow.

Ninety third screech, and it’s the last day of the month,
And great things, the journey has unearthed,
My thoughts have found expression,
But my best friend, hasn’t returned…..

Come back please, all mistakes have been realized,
And all errors, I’ve tried to correct,
Come back, please, now cry mine eyes,
For you friend,…..to come back.

10:21 pm, 31st January, 2010.

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