
Confused, enchantress had once turned,
When experiences hadn’t been simple,
Her truths turned majestic abominations,
Her life’s twists, became convolutions, inexplicable.

Tangled they were, very badly,
She couldn’t classify feelings, they were coiled,
But that just didn’t mean,
That ungrateful was she.

She was so worried, actually,
You only know one side of the story,
Wellaway, the rest is unaddressed,
The world, is just as perplexed.

Wanion, by ill misfortune,
The tongue had lied, and very soon,
Lost was it, the sweet bond,
Cut so deep, intellect, conned.

The truth is, I don’t know why I did what I did,
Was it just pride or something else?
But I’m sorry friend, really really sorry!!
I realize now, I shouldn’t have!

My emotions were coiled, maybe I should have disconnected,
And then maybe, I wouldn’t have acted,
So horrible, maybe, oh! Please give me…
Another chance….I don’t want to live in ‘maybe’s.

5:36 pm, 30th january, 2010.

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