In the end

When humans die, I’ve often wondered,
What is the last thing that they remember?
Do they think of their grand achievements?
Or their life’s most glorious moments?

In that very last instant,
When they know all is coming to an end,
What is the last thing that the eye sees?
Does it speak in emotion, what does it believe?

In the end, when it’s dying,
When those heavy lids are closing,
When the weak pulse is slowing,
When the pain is growing,

When you twist, with it all,
When your body doesn’t cooperate,
When you lose, sensation,
What does your mind, see in the end?

Does it go back, does it rewind,
Does it see into the future, does it anticipate?
Does it struggle does it sweat?
Does it feel anger, does it get scared?

Well, one thing I know, even if things are uncertain,
In the end, I don’t know what I’ll remember,
But there is something I don’t want to see,
An unforigven poetess, in the end, I don’t wanna be.

Unforgiven, I don’t want to die,
Unforgiven, before my eyes lose their sight,
In the end, I want to smile,
In the knowledge that my sin has been pardoned, I shall leave with pleasant goodbye.

12:09 am, 11th January, 2010.

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