I see you

I saw a movie yesterday,
Avatar, it was named,
Characters, came and went,
Painted bold, in imagination.

It was a different land, some bewitching place,
It was actually not there,
But even the virtual had felt so real,
It was an experience, it was surreal.

But even to heights as human imagination ventures,
Even if, so many things, it abhors,
Feelings, fundamental, it cannot ignore,
With emotions, intense, it cannot war.

So, into such a wild movie, they seeped,
Affection, because to audiences, it appeals,
Because when you talk of such things, movie’s sell,
All is happy, and all is well.

But when you analyze and go a little beyond,
You will see meaning, within the direction,
Drama appeals, because all humans need,
Emotional support in their life, for that they are made.

So just like her, I shall tell you my words,
I see you, friend, almost always,
She might be just an imaginary character,
You can perceive me a vision too, and you may answer.

I see you, today I say,
Because I fell in love with the phrase,
It’s just like our other emblems, other songs,
But then, this is unique, this isn’t long.

I see you, I do not know why,
I see you, because I do!
I see you, even when I’m blind,
I see you, so be kind.

1:03 am, 11th January, 2010.

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