
Crumbling, is my spirit, collapsing,
Gone is my prided self-esteem,
When you left, everything changed,
An empty corridor, my heart became.

It is deteriorating, it knows only decay,
It is abandoned; it cannot find a way,
The delight, once again, to feel,
It tries so hard, but the regret, it cannot conceal.

So much has perished, after you abandoned,
Everything wilted, everything died,
All the vitality, from me, you absorbed,
And with it all, you did abscond.

So, now, I’m going to pieces,
Because to feel anything strong, I have ceased,
I cannot laugh, I cannot smile,
When all that you took, I can only cry.

Please come back, bring life back to me,
My repentence is genuine, please don't disagree,
I'm hoping that the smile to my face, you'll return,
I'm hoping you will charm me, I'm hoping you will not spurn.

9:26 pm, 2nd January, 2010.

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