Around the bend

Life is like a river, but mine is courseless,
Meandering, to I don’t know where,
When will it ever merge with the sea?
When will it see an end, finally?

Mysteries hide, around every river bend,
But mine have bigger riddles, I cannot apprehend,
Because I’m young still, I don’t know how life works,
But one thing I know, it’s aimless right now.

I lost my compass, it has drowned,
In sinister whirlpools, gone, now,
I don’t know direction; I don’t know where I’m headed,
Without the compass, I’m lost, I can’t find a way.

Oh, my compass, what happened to you?
When you fell into the river, why couldn’t I cling to you?
Maybe I should have jumped with you as well,
And then, all would have been well.

Oh, the river is turbulent, just so aggressive!
It knows only raw power, as I know only how to grieve,
Around the river bend, I see more water,
And the gurgling, aimless river.

Around the river bend, I don’t know what lies in darkness,
Without my compass, I don’t know what to expect!
Without my compass, I know I will drown,
If I can’t find it soon, all will go down.

4:33 pm, 4th January, 2010.

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