May the Stars Watch over you

May the stars watch over you, I once signed,
All my letters to you, those words were yours and mine.
They were our emblem, our little secret,
They spoke of eternal love, their meaning, a few, could interpret.

May the Stars watch over you, in every letter, I said,
Hoping that a smile to you, it would bring, once you read,
My words, which spoke to you.
My secret, my letters and my emotion, pure.

May the Stars watch over you, in every letter, I repeated,
So that god might hear my words, so that in respect, you might be treated,
Those words, with childish affection, I wrote,
In all my letters, in e-mails, in notes.

Because those words, are to me, special,
They are reserved, peculiar and very much personal.
Because these words, to everyone I don’t use,
If you see them in my letter, it means that I seek god to bless you.

Yes, I still wish for the stars watch over you,
I present you these words again, I hope you won’t refuse,
To accept my little gift, my souvenir,
Of the glorious times, we shared together.

8:58 p.m.. 2nd January, 2010.

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