Another Day

It’s another day, and I’m thinking of another time,
My coffee is fresh, and they are singing, the wind chimes,
I’m supposed to be here, stuck in the present,
But I’m returning to the past, even if it isn’t pleasant.

It’s another day, and moves on the time,
Everybody does their work, finally settles down,
The days change, with the seasons, summer’s gone,
My world grows, but I don’t trot along.

I’m supposed to be here, concentrating,
Giving my best shot, striving,
There is much to do, at the end of another day,
But to write to you, I will not forget.

I have chores, I have responsibilities,
I have to fulfill so many duties,
It’s tiring, and sometimes frustrating,
But amidst all that, I’m not ignoring.

Let there be stress, let there be strain,
Let me be weary, at the end of another day,
But I should sleep with the satisfaction,
That every day, I’m contributing to make a difference.

The difference, I’m hoping will happen,
And that is how hard I’m working,
Every other day, when I find the time,
I scribble to you, even amidst my every strife.

Another day ends, another begins,
I taste the rich flavor, seething hot coffee I drink,
The wind chimes and I continue to do my duties,
But at the corner of my notebook, another song I’m scribbling.

1:45 pm, 16th January, 2010.

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