20 pages

Once upon a time, I very well remember,
That 20 pages had been asked,
20 pages written in love,
20 pages, I had promised.

20 pages, with words to describe,
How you made life paradise,
20 pages to fully capture,
The essence of man who had enraptured.

20 pages, written in hand,
20 pages, from my pen,
20 pages, full of scribbles,
20 pages, full of love.

I had tried to write that 20 then,
Quickly, as soon as possible,
But to capture you had failed my pen,
No matter how hard I had tried.

20 pages, when you had asked,
I thought I could do much better,
Why not more than 25, I had thought,
For my best friend on this planet?

Why not a book, why not a trifle more,
It would be trivial, thought my pen, but it was wrong,
You were perfect enigma, the perfect mystery,
The 20 pages couldn’t fully describe, my own pen cheated me.

Oh, when I was so in love, when I thought this was life,
When I was so young, and so unabashed,
When I didn’t know how to behave, what would hurt,
When I didn’t know relationships, when I was innocent…..

20 pages to you, I could not complete,
20 pages to you, I had written, like burden,
But when all is lost, when I’m abandoned,
I can write you 20 more, without a reason.

Not 20 now, this time, a 100,
I can write, this is incredible, moves my pen,
I could write books now, so much more,
Because when you left, only then did I realize how much you meant.

You meant everything to me, now I know,
You were everything to me, I never thought this much,
Back then, it was uncomplicated and simple,
But now, my remorse is not something trivial.

So, more than 20 I have written,
Hoping to be forgiven,
This is showing how precious you are to me,
You are perfect enigma, the 20 pages shall never reach….
4:53 pm, 13th January, 2010.

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