
Best Friend, I thought, you’d always stay,
You would be there, come what may,
I thought it was an unspoken promise,
The oath, in silence taken, and the one, cherished.

Aha, do such promises ever hold?
I understood, when I saw life unfold,
That promises, shouldn’t ever be imagined,
They should be spoken, in word, affirmed.

If god gave me but one last chance, the very last promise,
I would take a stance, and express,
I would promise, never to hurt you again,
Even if consequences so demanded.

I would promise, never to let you cry,
To keep you happy, I would try,
Because you should continue to keep that smile,
I would promise, I’m your best friend, that’s why.

You might deny, that I ever existed,
You might say that only pain I gave,
But give me another chance, I want to prove,
That this one last promise, I will keep.

I want to promise god, that I’ll try to protect,
I want to promise him that I will not let anything affect,
The cheerful disposition of yours,
I will not let sorrow mar.

I want to finally make these promises friend,
And to keep them, I intend,
I know I have broken a few bonds,
But I promise you from today, I’ll break none.

You don’t have to believe my sorry,
You don’t have to see,
But your heart knows sympathy,
And today, I say this is not an idle promise, I hope you’ll believe.

11:41 pm 5th January, 2010.

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