
I sang 10 songs today, all to you,
My songbird sang, 9 and one more,
Ten today, at midnight hour,
All for you, friend.

I sang ten today, but I’m not proud,
I sang ten today, without a sound,
All I know is that my effort is sincere,
All I know is I’m frenzied, here.

It’s power friend, of different form,
It flows, suddenly the expression,
You are inspiration, you are the whole song!
You are the rhythm you are this whole blog!

The power is you, that rests on my pen,
The power is you, my catalyst,
The power is you, that never makes me rest,
The power is you, that makes me write in frenzy.

The power is you, your memory,
The power is you, your smile,
The power is in remembering,
And then to words, I’m converting.

It’s not easy, to write on other things,
It’s actually difficult, authoring,
But when I think of you it’s all easy,
Because you are my power, lifeblood to my pen.

Your memory burns strong, in every corner,
You are haunting inspiration to me,
It’s magical how much I can write,
Even when it’s past midnight.

I’m not gloating of my talents right now,
I’m just letting you know that you are my inspiration,
In every one of these 100 songs,
I cannot stop describing you, I cannot go beyond.
12:42 am, 11th January, 2010.

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