
Everything in life is started with a purpose. Like a blog. Like a growing garden. Like a hobby. Like a book. Like this post.
To express, to enjoy, to read, to imply.
Many reasons.

And, similarly, there is a reason why the Riddling Song Bird decided to speak. She wanted to mend a broken heart, through her songs. The song bird just wants to make life beautiful through her songs.

Sometimes, we make mistakes. Big ones. Huge mistakes, that cannot be forgiven.
Until you say your big sorry, in all the right places.

Some smart birds migrate.
Others, stay behind, to help the struggling hatchling with clipped wings.

Shadow stayed behind. And Shadow wants to help. She wants her sorry to reach the hatchling.
So, the riddling song bird decided to sing, her very "sorry" song.
Not one.

But a hundred.

I believe everybody has a song-bird in them. My song-bird is called "shadow". She perches at the edge of my imagination, always ready to sing. Here is where her screetches are recorded, by a vigilant writer, who is listening to her every syllable.
And that's why the song-bird sings.
She sings, through poems. Through words. Through stories. Through pictures.
And she shan't fly away, until the time is right.

Welcome, to shadow's world.

The riddling song-bird earnestly hopes that you enjoy your stay here, that you enjoy her songs.
And I hope so too!!!!

The song-bird is no expert a singer. It's an amateur. But it hopes to learn. To sing better. But one thing, it doens't want to stop doing. It doens't want to stop riddling. It is natural to my song-bird, and Shadow has always built dreams through her riddles. All her songs, pictures and stories are origninal and copyrighted. The Song-bird assums that you will not plagerize!

And the Song-bird thanks you for visiting. For being part of the grand sorry that it's going to screetch.
Thanks for being a part of the difference the song-bird so desperately wants to make.

Welcome, to Shadow's beautiful world!


The vigilant writer. :)

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