
Like Oxygen to Lung,
Like taste, to starving tongue,
Like electricity to failing heart-beat,
You were lifeblood to me.

Like shelter to sapling, by storm, battered,
Like the rope that that holds the drowning rafter,
Like quenching water, to desert tree,
You were lifeblood to me.

Like the hemoglobin, in my vein,
Pulsing with vitality, every day,
Like the nectar to the hungry honey-bee,
You were lifeblood to me.

Like hand that grips the dangling mountaineer,
Like Music, to ears that could before, not hear,
Like glimmer of hope, to heart that grieves,
You were life-blood to me.

Like silver-lining to murky cloud,
Like familiar face to one lost in crowd,
Like those miracles, on Christmas eve,
You were lifeblood, to me.

Like vision, to blind an eye,
Like the doctor who doesn’t let you die,
Like an extra arrow to archer’s bow,
You were lifeblood to me.

But alas, how can I live, when lifeblood from system, drains?
How can you hang on, when I give you only pain?
Anemic, I turned, when lifeblood left,
And colorless I shall remain, until in my artery, reviving lifeblood gushes.

The song-bird sang at 4:54 pm on the 23rd of December, 2009.

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