(The credit to this particular song goes to Miss Anusha Shashidar.)
*The songbird does not claim complete credit for this Screetch. The poetess's sorry is being helped by another songbird, who goes by the name Anusha Shashidar. The songbird is still equally sorry, but is letting its sorry reach you through another voice. Because shadow's friends are just as loyal to her, as she is, to the one who forsake. Shadow has lost her voice for a couple of days, due to the extreme stress it's causing her to build this sorry. She has now asked help of expert hands--of much acclaim, and popularity. Shadow has invited another poetess into her world--a famous journalist, writer,poet and student. Know that the song-bird continues to sing, even though it's voice is crippled for now, through the voice of another. Because she doesn't want to stop singing even if she is voiceless. Because that's how much she cares....because even as she falls into her abyss, she makes sure that her message reaches you, through another.
Why is it that I feel so much for Someone unseen, yet seen?
Why then, did I, in wroth, hurt Someone like Thee?
For Thou bringeth the sugars of life, seen, and unforeseen;
And I, a fool, am too foolish to squash the Mellow You've been!
Why is it that my lashes don’t rest, till ...I’ve read from Thee?
Why then, did I, in wroth, lend the veiled-ghost a key?
For Thou bringeth the cheers in life, elevated and mean;
And I, a fool, am too foolish to note the Spark You’ve been!
Why is it that the pain bites, so deeply a root?
Why then, did I, in wroth, become a vampire in hood?
For Thou bringeth the bliss in life, ardent and keen;
And I, a fool, am too foolish to flout the Glory You’ve been!
Why is it that tears flow now, so fast, they want to slay?
Why then, did I, in wroth, pierce Thy heart – soft as clay?
For Thou bringeth the soul to life, so pure and preen;
And I, a fool, am too foolish to graze the Chalice You’ve been!
*the complete credit for this particular poem goes to Anusha Shashidhar.
19 years.
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Beautiful Blogger Award Recipient

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- Shadow
- ""Beauty is truth, truth beauty," – that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know..." said Keats. That, is the essence to the songbird's poetry. Welcome to my perch!