Sleepless Wait

Disease doth clamp mine chest,
Wriggling in strange unrest,

Delirious, the mind doth chant,
A nameless word, non-existent.

Sleepless is the primary instinct,
Fatigued is mine faculty, it hath reached the brink,

Patient is the sleepless wait,
The eye shan’t blink, even if thou art late.

Reasons, the sleepless eye hath forgotten,
Insane and tired, it's dependent on intuition,

Burning strong, with wild an ardor,
Sleepless eye neglects even the night’s deathly pallor.

Until angered spirit looks this way,
Restless, mine eye shall remain.
Even if times do change,
The sleepless eye's strength is permanent.
In earnest, the sleepless eye shall await,
A joyful return, it does anticipate.

The song bird sang at 9:17 pm on the 12th of December, 2009.

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