The Simple Sorry Song

Your raw fury whips about,
Lashing back and questioning aloud,
And as countless riddles, you throw at me,
I hang my head, meekly.

Your anger is blistering,
Calescent, Febrile and crackling,
And when you fully unveil your wrath,
I burn with it, inside and out.

Yes, the entire fault was mine,
And yes, you knew how to be kind,
But please, open your eye and see,
How the guilt is hurting me.

I said my sorries, in all the right places,
Doesn’t my sorry mean anything, is there no room for prayer?
Doesn’t my apology ever hold?
Won’t they ever be over-ruled?

Forgivance, friend, they say, is the greatest of virtues,
And I know that you are noble, and true,
When one accepts her mistake, with all her heart,
Wouldn’t it be right, to forgive her, and do your part?

Please, I say, I’m begging,
Please, I say, crying,
Please, I say, in all honesty,
Why won’t you forgive me?

Midnight, 24th December, 2009.

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