
Footprints on the beachsand, where you once walked,
Are being erased, one by one,
And those lovely moments, so easily stolen,
With the ghost of my past, eyes are swollen.

Are goodbyes mere insignificant things?
Do they disappear, like snow in spring?
Are they so easy, so effortless, for you?
Do you understand how much it hurts, I wish you knew!

Did you fully forget, how much you meant to me?
Do you know how much happiness you bought, you made my gloom flee,
You were special to me, in every sense,
And now in your silence, you make me tense.

I’m suffering, friend, without you,
From the day, you bid your adieu,
I remember you, every single day,
How nice you are, how special, my life, you made.

I committed a mistake, friend, I had no control on my tongue,
I slipped vile words, I did something wrong,
I told my lies, acid words I spoke,
But I’m sorry I did that, is that why, my heart, you broke?

It hurts me, friend, make me escape!
I can’t stand the silence, its killing me, everyday!
That is why I beg you, to make the pain, go away,
Leave more footprints on my beach, please don’t stray….

6:43 pm 27th December, 2009.

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