Before time, of mystic brotherhoods they bespoke,
Praised by storytelling tongue and splendid folklore,
Fraternities that in royal blood swore,
And parliaments that crumbled, afore….
Parties that shook the unsettled world,
Communities united by cunning fervor,
Screaming their passion in single voice,
Melded is spirit with minds alike.
When human souls, similarity seek,
For their cause, strong or meek,
Thought and emotion shall coalesce,
And you shall be welcomed when philosophy you embrace.
Organizations parties and study groups,
Assemblies parliaments and brotherhoods,
Communities, friends and clubs,
What about the ones who foster a love for the written word?
There are those who summon the magic in meaning,
With their pen and wit, conjuring,
Who know that imagination is limitless like the loving words,
Turning mischievous on rhyming fingers.
Talent needs space, as does passion,
And for the poets, it is the words that enliven,
When the mind’s eye is creative, into poetess you turn,
And as with interest you start to weave, stories you shall churn.
It’s Braille to the world m’dear, but I know you can feel,
It grows in your heart, pulsing within,
And as it invades your soul, poetic instinct revives,
And words shall return to quickly describe.
And to those who see a little beyond,
Those who sense the beauty in clever metaphor,
Deserve a pedestal to showcase,
And stand united as masterpieces they paint.
So the songbird thought of a sisterhood,
So that the incredible poets it might include,
Those poetesses who’re just emerging,
The songbird’s pen shall humbly nudge, encouraging.
The sisterhood doesn’t merely end in words,
It begins a journey, it shall alter,
The best of poets, faithful friends and true sisters,
It shall affiliate the most zestful writers.
So may passion ink you quill,
We shall unite, strong-willed,
Allied in much more ways than just words,
Certes, I declare, we are sisters.
We’ll do much more than just write,
We’ll talk to each other, we’ll unite,
Connected in ways more than one,
True sisters, we shall become.
When life gives you thorns, and you’re in trouble,
We shall fight it with you together,
When misery plagues and depression bothers,
We will stay back to listen.
The sisterhood is symbiotic at the basic level,
It knows loyalty, faith and it shall persevere
It never leaves a sister feeling morbid;
it shall find a way for you, in all good cheer.
The sisterhood is your extended family,
Of those who see a similarity,
Those who celebrate with you, those who recognize,
The strength in your skill, through poetic eyes.
The riddling songbird welcomes all,
The poetesses, sisters and friends it calls
Wanting to give a deserving platform,
To poets who would like to blog.
The sisterhood shall gather talent,
It shall be the most exotic blend,
Of the next generation of wonderful poets,
And all those who want to critique and appreciate.
So I extend a warm invitation,
To all those who wish to awaken,
Their poetic skills, no matter how dormant or amateur,
You just have to try—that’s all that matters.
And you don’t have to be a poetess to be a sister,
You just should be a loving friend and a patient listener,
Somebody who can relate to us, and stick together.
Somebody who wishes to join the league and adhere.
And I promise you that something shall blossom,
Yes, this shall be so awesome,
We might be different by our fundamental nature,
But we are sisters, now and forever.
So may creativity spurt, may talent find a voice,
May the words speak, may we rejoice,
Turn to your writing pen, turn poetess,
Teach, guide, share, help and liberate.
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Hear the meaning within the word
Singing Along
Shadow's First Award

Beautiful Blogger Award Recipient

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
About Me

- Shadow
- ""Beauty is truth, truth beauty," – that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know..." said Keats. That, is the essence to the songbird's poetry. Welcome to my perch!