Not the best that there is, not the most beautiful,
Not the most popular, not anybody cool,
No epic achievements, nothing more to claim
I’m just me; I’ll always be the same.
The same Lakshmi who cowered in the first bench with nowhere else to go,
The same old girl who saw people march past and felt that she was slow,
They raced her in everything and she often felt so low,
They asked her to move with the herd but she had constantly said no.
Sometimes I act a kid, I can be immature,
I’m still growing up; I’m edgy and unsure,
But above all, be patient please; know that I’m learning,
I’m nobody perfect although I'm always trying.
I’m still that simple girl who watches the world whirl past,
Who escapes into childhood when her cause feels lost,
Sometimes it’s just so hard, you know, just so hard,
To be dainty and proper, I’ve dealt all my cards.
I can be self-obsessed, I can lash back,
I can start talking nonsense, I can lose track,
I can be impulsive, I can forget why I’m here,
Life can feel complicated, it can be unclear.
Yes, I still slide down the banisters, giggle and laugh out loud,
Yes I don’t like to pretend to be who I’m not,
Yes I still bike when it’s raining outside,
And drench my heart out and allow the sorrow to sublime.
If you call that uncivilized, you can label me a lunatic,
But I’ll always continue to wear my heart on my sleeve,
Its plain nice to be honest, I’ve found that to be intuitive,
I feel I’m cheating myself if I disbelieve.
I don’t hide behind dusty doors, sorry I don’t conceal
Happiness I gladly show, and friendships I don’t seal,
I can be passionate, I write like no one reads,
Because expression is the soul of all songs, I write what I feel.
All my songs aren’t great, nor are they all the same,
Some of them are simple, and some of them are lame,
Some of them are meaningless, they don’t convey,
Just like I’m unpretentious, and I’ve said all I wanted to say.
Whatever happens, I will never be who I’m not,
Even if I feel hopeless and just so unsought,
I will always be what I am, I’m unafraid,
Years may come and go, but I’ll be me—today, tomorrow and always.
A Poem from the Riddling Songbird.
9:39 pm, 1st March 2010
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Singing Along
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Beautiful Blogger Award Recipient

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
About Me

- Shadow
- ""Beauty is truth, truth beauty," – that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know..." said Keats. That, is the essence to the songbird's poetry. Welcome to my perch!