
Stolen from deep repose,
Happily depraved vision gazes,
At midnight charm though cold panes,
And at young love, through ancient casement.

For tis is pleasantly uncommon, the cheetah stealth,
Which hunts a willing prey,
With erratic grandeur,
Disturbing the stillness.

For in this surreptitious watch,
There is no reason,
Lost meaning shares no ground,
With wicked infatuation’s untimely construction.

For she now remembers,
How his laughter rescued,
Unbelievably herself with him,
She is not afraid to be who she is.

For when they tried, and when they failed,
It had stung deep, but then again,
Age is sly, so allow her to teach,
Don’t be victim, to inconsistency.

Aha, she is well aware, responsible is the intellect,
But midnight dreams firmly discard,
Anything that the rationale had sought.

The warm night holds her in embrace,
Crafting another impossibility,
He tempts a stupid heart, and a chortle escapes,
Before beauty sleeps, forgetting reverie….


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